Gong and Sacred Sound 1:1 Mentorship

1:1 Mentorship program for practitioners who have previously participated 
in a introductory class or training program with Akasha and would like to continue in 
mentorship and in joint exploration of the Path of Sacred Sound.

These are practitioners who are dedicated to their practice in awareness 
and use the tools of Sacred Sound and Meditation to continue to grow and deepen on their path.

Mentorship is offered in containers of 3, 6, or 12 months. The investment starts at $333 per month.

Mentorship Includes:

  • One Monthly meeting for Teachings and Hands-on Practice. 
    (2 hour meeting in-person or online for non-local students)

    This will be where we enter exploration and practice of instruments and supportive practices targeted to your process and path 

  • One Monthly zoom meeting for check-ins and Q&A 
    (1 hour meeting online for all students)

    In these meetings I will be available to answer questions and look deeper into teaching and practices you have been working on. These is where we come together to cultivate your journey with inspiration and accountability, love and support.

  • Monthly Assigned Practices 
    These are supportive practices to help you deepen your connection with Sacred Sound and the Gong. 

    These practices will be targeted to your personal process of evolution on your Path.

  • On-going support throughout the Mentorship cycle 
    You will have direct access to me and will receive my support for your journey during the Mentorship Cycle via text message on Telegram or WhatsApp. 


  • “Words are meaningless to express my experience through 7 years with the guidance of Akasha. She is human of course, but she is a true real incarnation of Goddess in this lifetime. In her I have found the most absolute truthfulness, authenticity and purity to support me on my path, helping me go deeper and deeper in the essence of Myself, and to blossom in the most beautiful way. Her grace, clarity of mind, endless knowledge, and beyond the knowledge sacred and divine wisdom, has so much supported me and inspired to be the person I am today, creating flow of abundance and Magic in my life. Thank you with all my heart and all my being for being a precious gift in this world, my forever beloved Teacher, friend and Sister of Soul.”

    Cristiana Luppari

  • “The Foundations of Sacred Sound course is a journey of spiritual self-discovery. Through sacred sound instruments, meditative practices and Akasha's gracious guidance, I tapped into the wonder and magic of the divine- the divinity of the universe and the divinity within. I danced with sacred sound's twin star, Silence, and in that union - where all dualities cease and death and birth are flowers of love - I was reborn. The journey of sacred sound is a reunion with source, spirit and the joyous love of the universe.”


  • “Deep, deep gratitude to you, Akasha. The 4+ years I studied with you changed me more deeply than I could ever say. Thank you for giving so much of yourself to your students. We have all benefited from your commitment to Love and your playfulness with the unknown. I am surrounding you with blessings and love as your journey into your nature deepens and opens even further. Thank you for dedicating your life to the path of surrender and leading by example. I love you and the heart in you that beats for Truth”

    Jacob Rudolph

  • "The Foundations of Sacred Sound course not only introduced me to all principles of sound healing, but also awakened in me a sense of purpose, a meaning behind the practice, and a strong sense of what it means to heal myself from the inside out. Akasha is an empathetic, sensitive, and strong guide who anyone would be so lucky to study with."

    Bailey Grogan

Apply for Mentorship

Please fill out the form to apply for mentorship.

Once I receive your email we will schedule a initial introductory call to assess how we will work together. After this call we will schedule our beginning date and send you the registration link.