The Path of Tantra
There is a longing in your heart.
Can you feel it’s pulse?
Pause and listen…
This pulse is calling you to open and to go deeper…
into yourself… into the Here-Now.
What comes to your mind when you hear the word Tantra?
Do you see it as a Path? Where will it lead you?
Tantra is a path for expansion of consciousness.
This is a spiritual path that is not concerned with religious rituals, systems and philosophies.
This is a path of deep transformation based on real practice and experience not on conceptual pursuit.
Tantra wants to awaken you to what is beyond the limited interpretations of reality conceived by the intellect.
Tantra wants to awaken your heart and your capacity for absolute presence.
Tantra wants to open your consciousness beyond any kind of duality,
seeing the divine within the whole fabric of earthly existence and experience.
This is a path where Love and Meditation truly unite.
Tantra includes the whole range of human experience as fuel for the transformative fire of practice with the potential to bring the practitioner into a state of being that is present, spontaneous, natural, fearless, compassionate, luminous, open and fully engaged in life.
Tantra is a path of acceptance and deep sensitivity.
I have been traveling on this path for a bit more than a decade in this lifetime, and some lifetimes past.
For those who are looking to go beyond the surface to uncover the precious jewels of the Self, hiding underneath the layers of incessant distraction and outer pursuit, I am creating offerings to facilitate an introduction to this path and mentorship opportunities.
Step into the Path of Tantra